Training workshop at WUELS
From 13.11.2017 to 17.11.2017 training workshop on the theme of “Recognition and Transfer of Credit Allocation and Grading System” successfully completed at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life, Poland with participation from the Higher Educational Institutions of Italy, Poland, Hungary, United Kingdom, Georgia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Azerbaijan.
Within workshop were presented and discussed the following sessions:
- methods for recognition and transfer of credits and grades methods for recognition and transfer of credits and grades (EU);
- methods for recognition and transfer of credits and grades (PCI) Furthermore, within the workshop have been delivered presentation on the following topics:
- ECTS grading system and hours per credit point;
- the role of learning outcomes in curricula creation and course mapping and student mobility;
- the process involving course mappings, student support, mobility logistics and documentation;
- documentation for description of the credit transfer process that is in place at participating Universities, grade conversion demonstration and description of the grade conversion process that is in place at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life;
- procedural gaps procedure formation workshop and criteria for filtering participants for future training sessions classification of needs for different roles associated with mobility;
- adapting the training program and integrating it to institutional policies and procedures adapting training content and customizing use of scenarios for use at own institutions.
Within the workshop, each participants provided their presentation based on a template provided by Work Package leader and Mr. Farrukh Sanginov made a presentation on the “Tendency of Bologna Process and ICM system in HEIs of the Republic of Tajikistan”o behalf of the Tajik State University of Commerce. At the end of the workshop, attendances awarded the Certificate.
Department of international relations