Re-training June 28-29, 2018 TSUC
On June 28 -29th, 2018 at the Tajiks State University of Commerce held the Re-training in the framework of PAWER project with participation of the head of departments and structures of the Tajik State University of Commerce, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, Kulob State University after named Abuabdualloh Rudaki, Tajik State University Law, Business, and Politics of the Republic of Tajikistan, and Institute of Economics, and Trade of the Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand city.
PAWER Re-training at TSUC has started with the welcome speech of the Rector of University Professor Fakerov H.N, and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Bulbulov Habibulloh and Mamajonov Muminjon.
Lectures of training has been delivered by 3 trainers from the Tajik State University of Commerce, i.e. Mubin Abduvaliev, Zarrina Kadyrova and Farrukh Sanginov who has been trained in the framework PAWER project in the Middlesex University of London, Wroclaw University of Life and Science of Poland, University of Szeged of Hungaryand other PAWER project team who has been participated in SC meeting in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
At the first day of training Mr. Mubin Abduvaliev, a National Coordinator of PAWER project in Tajikistan has briefly presented the training structure, content, materials and use of portfolio and the effect of PAWER project to the educational quality of our university in recent two year. Then, Rector of the Tajik State University of Commerce Professor Faqerov H.N. has delivered a lecture on the theme of the Internationalization of education and the role of Erasmus+ and PAWER projects on the educational integration in Tajikistan’s HEIs. Further, next topic has been delivered by the vice rector for international and publics relations and first project trainer Prof. Kadyrova Z. H on the methods for recognition and transfer of credits and grades in Tajikistan comparing EU practice challenged and prosperities. Accordingly, Mr. Mubin Abduvaliev, presented papers on the Bologna Qualifications Framework (International transparency of curricula quality, recognition and alignment). Other topics such as European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS grading system, hours per credit point, learning load and tuning methodology) and the role of learning outcomes in curricula creation, course mapping and student mobility has been by presented by the trained trainers, respectively.
At the second day of training there have been delivered other relevance presentations on the theme of the Mobility program and the the process involving course mappings, student support, mobility logistics and documentation, Mobility support and administration, student advise, procedures and documentation for mobility support, Grade conversion demonstration and Description of the grade conversion process that is in place at the HEIs of the Republic of Tajikistan, and Identifying policy gaps and showcasing good practice in introducing a student mobility policy at institutional level, by the trainers.
At the end of the training, all participants have been discussed an aforementioned topics suggested by the trainers and received their optional responses to their questions.
Abduvaliev M.H.
PAWER Coordinator
Head of International Relations Department