Эълон - қабули ҳуҷҷатҳо барои таҳсил дар Донишгоҳи Пизаи Италия

Бинанда: 2581 | Санаи нашр: 10 Май 2019

Application call for Erasmus+ at the University of Pisa, Italy is open now for Master degree students.

Deadline is 20.06.2019


Required docs for BA and MS students:

  • Academic Transcript for BA (upper 3.2)
  • Diploma of Bachelor Dagree for MS (GPA upper 3.2)
  • Motivation letter
  • English proficiency (minimum Advanced Level)
  • CV  (Europass)



 For detail please visit: https://www.unipi.it/index.php/programmes-held-in-english/itemlist/category/1536-master-s-degree-programmes

For the extra information please visit to the

Department of International Relations of the University


734061, Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, ш. Душанбе, кӯч. Деҳоти 1/2, Донишгоҳи давлатии
тиҷорати Тоҷикистон

  • Телефон: +992(37) 234-83-46
    (37) 234-85-46