Publishing department
The department was established in January 2021 on the basis of the department of information and public relations, and the website and newspaper "Merchant" of the university are part of it.
The department carries out its activities on the basis of the wise policy of the Founder of National Peace and Unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His exelleency Emomali Rahmon, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "Regarding the Press", legislation in the field of education, the orders of the rector of the Tajik State University of Commerce, the department's regulations and task instructions.
Rajabali Sharifov, a member of the Union of Journalists of Tajikistan, is the head of the department from January 2021.The activity of the department is carried out by the following specialists:- Yahyо Abdurahman, the head of edition "Tajir" newspaper;- Abdulmakin Mirzoev, editor of the university website;-Dilshod Kuvvatov, senior specialist for the university's website;- Saidhujai Abdul Qassim, photographer of the university.
Specialists of the department, in cooperation with structural units of the university, make a valuable contribution to the organization and holding of various events, including conferences, scientific seminars, sports competitions, which contribute to the increase of knowledge, self-awareness and pride of patriotism of students.Purposes and tasks of the publishing department:- to develop and implement a unified information policy in order to increase the prestige and image of the university;- coordinating the activities of all structural units of the university on issues of unified information policy and corporate culture (image work, promotional activities, Internet, various exhibition, publishing and cultural and public events);- organizing and ensuring the operation of the unified corporate information system of the university: the university website and the newspaper "Tajir";- development and distribution of informational and promotional materials on the activities of the university and its structural units;- reflection of the activity and effective communication of the university leadership with different segments of civil society, state institutions, mass media, organizations and institutions;- development of strategy, planning and implementation of the corporate activities of the mass media of the university: the website of the university and the newspaper "Tajir";- provision of informational support - promotion of the concept of promotion of the university in the market of educational services and scientific achievements;- development and planning of the university's promotional strategy and its implementation;- creation of appropriate information communication between structural units of the university and formation of a favorable social-psychological environment within it.