The Faculty of Finance and Credit is one of the youngest faculties of Tajik State University of Commerce. The faculty was established in academic year 2008-2009 on the basis of the faculty of economics and management, and is considered one of the constituent structures of university. It prepares highly qualified personnel for the fields of finance, insurance and securities, banking, tax control and statistics.
Every year the faculty trains a large number of specialists at the bachelor's and master's levels.The faculty has a strong and experienced scientific-educational staff and makes great efforts to further improvement of quality of education. Managers and specialists of commercial banks and other financial structures are also involved in the training process. There are scientific clubs "Finance and Credit", "Insurance and Taxation" and "Banking Activity" at the faculty. Students actively participate at these scientific clubs, university, national and international conferences.Students of the faculty have also participated of republican scientific competitions and olympiads and have won. Their participation in public affairs of university is also at a high level.In 2010, the educational bank was established in the structure of the faculty, which has modern technical conditions. The organization of such a bank made it possible to conduct practical training directly in it, which helped to increase the level of mastery of lessons by students.Activity of faculty deans:1. Rajabov Rajab Kuchakovich, d.e.s., professor, 2008-20132. Kurbanov Abdukarim Rahimovich, c.e.s., docent, 2013-20183. Aminov Fatehjon Inomjonovich, c.e.s., docent, 2018-20214. Nuriddinov Bahriddin, c.e.s., docent, years 2021-20225. Kurbanov Abdukarim Rahimovich, c.e.s., docent, years 2022-20236. Khojaev Dilovar Khairiddinovich, c.e.s., docent, 2023 until nowThe faculty has following departments:- finance;- banking activity;- tax and insurance;- management;- humanitarian subjects;- physical education.
The faculty trains the following specialties:
– – finance and credit;
– – banking work;
– – tax and taxation;
– – insurance;
– – statistics;
– – economic security;
– 260202 – management;
– 26020222 – restaurant and hotel management;
– 890101 – tourism and hospitality.
It should be emphasized that graduates of the faculty can work mainly in the fields of banking, credit organizations, non-bank credit organizations, tax and financial authorities, statistics and insurance and other enterprises and institutions, regardless of the form of ownership. Now the graduates of the faculty are successfully working and operating in various state authorities, structures of the Union of Tojikmatlubot, universities, banks, tax authorities, joint-stock companies, trade enterprises and other sectors of the national economy. Today most of them have become leaders of influential domestic and foreign organizations.
Cooperation contracts have been concluded between the university and the leading banks, and on this basis, students have wide opportunity to undergo internships and further secure a permanent job.
Every year in December, the scientific and creative clubs, open classes, international seminars-conferences, round tables, olympiads, quizzes are held as part of the "Week of the Faculty of Finance and Credit". From 03.01.2023, the head of the faculty is the candidate of economic sciences, docent Khojaev Dilovar Khayriddinovich.