Youth and nowadays processes

Бинанда: 1142 | Санаи нашр: 30 September 2020

Peace, stability and tranquility of our beloved country contribute to the rapid development of all sectors of the economy, improve not only the conditions and standard of living of people, but also the prestige of our beloved Motherland in the international arena. We, all people from this paradise country, feel this and are proud of the achievements of independence, of which there are a lot, and we are working hard to increase them.

Indeed, our beloved country, Tajikistan, has achieved remarkable success over the years of independence. However, all these achievements and progress are ignored by the enemies and enemies of the nation, who are doing everything possible to upset peace and tranquility in our country. In particular, they want to involve young people in terrorist and extremist activities and by all means to achieve their nefarious goals, especially representatives and missionaries of the terrorist extremist terrorist organization of the former Islamic Renaissance Party, which caused enormous suffering in the 90s of the last century.

The main purpose of the meeting, which took place on September 23 at the Tajik State University of Commerce with the participation of heads of all structures of the university, was to prevent the entry of student youth into terrorist and extremist organizations, foster patriotism, self-knowledge and national self-awareness of youth, and so as not to lose political vigilance.

At this event, the Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work, Associate Professor K. K. Tolibov made a speech on the topic. At the end of his speech, the event participants watched the documentary "Treason", which tells about the murders, atrocities and other vicious intentions of the leaders and members of the terrorist organization extremist Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan.

After watching the film, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Quality Management, Doctor of Economics F.R. Sharopov called on the university administration to intensify work among students, instill in them feelings of patriotism, patriotic pride in their country, pay tribute to national shrines and protect the achievements of independence.

Department of information and public relations

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