Teacher's Day and State Language Day

Бинанда: 1183 | Санаи нашр: 05 October 2021

A solemn meeting was held at the Tajik State University of Commerce on the occasion of the celebration of the Teacher's Day and the Day of the State Language.

The solemn meeting was opened by the rector of Kurbonzoda University, Mahmadali Rahmat, who congratulated the teachers, staff and students on the holidays and in his congratulatory speech noted about the teaching profession as an honorary profession, about the teacher as the honor and conscience of society, about human morality, science and education and about the status of the state language and mandatory compliance with the provisions of the rules of spelling of the literary language.

Also during the solemn meeting, Makhmadali Kurbonzoda awarded active teachers and staff of the university and lyceum, who made a significant contribution to improving the quality of education and the development of the university and lyceum as a whole, with badges "Excellent Student of Consumer Cooperation", diplomas and gratitude from Tajikpotrebsoz, the founder of TSUC.

Then the first vice-rector, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Saimahmud Saidov congratulated the rector of Kurbonzod University Mahmadali Rakhmat on behalf of the rector's office and the trade union committee The University for its invaluable contribution to the implementation of the wise educational policy of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, also for the development and improvement of the material and technical base of the University, social support of teachers and staff, as well as on the occasion of the defense of a doctoral thesis.

The solemn meeting ended with a cultural and entertainment program prepared by the student collective "Tojiri Ajam".

Also, on this holiday, the assembly hall and the university canteen were put into operation after major repairs.

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