
Бинанда: 2916 | Санаи нашр: 01 October 2021

On October 01, 2021, a workshop on improving the quality of education, educational and research activities was held at the university.

The meeting was opened by the first vice-rector, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Saidov S.C. and in his speech provided a brief overview of the quality of the educational process at the university and suggested the main ways to improve the quality of education at TSUC.

Then the Vice-rector for Education Isupova B.C. made a report on the achievements in educational work at the university, on the need to bring order to the curators' documentation, on the implementation of the national concept of education in the Republic of Tajikistan, compliance with the recommended clothing by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic, as well as on the intra-university work schedule.

Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations Sharopov F.R. during his speech noted the need to improve the activities of scientific circles and seminars at the university, attracting young people to conduct scientific research, the quality of scientific guidance and support for graduate students, as well as the development of the scientific national language and raising the status of science. At the end, the participants took an active part in the debate on the issues of the meeting.

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