Бинанда: 1548 | Санаи нашр: 13 January 2021

January 13 in the dissertation hall of the University held VI extraordinary conference of the Primary Executive Committee "Tajiri Ajam", which was attended by the rector of the University of Kurbonzoda Mahmadali Rahmat, head of the General Department of the Main Department of the Central Executive Committee of the people's democratic party of Tajikistan Dilbar integral Khabibullaeva, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the people's democratic party of Tajikistan in Dushanbe Mirzozoda Ibrohim holmurod, Deputy Chairman of the executive committee of the People's Democratic Party of Firdavsi district Kurbonzoda Ubaidullo Mahmadali and deputies from primary party organizations.

Rector of TSUC Mahmadali Kurbonzoda greeted the guests, introduced them to the conference participants and gave the floor to Ibrahim Mirzozoda. Ibrahim Mirzozoda presented the agenda, according to which the conference secretariat was elected.

In accordance with the first item on the conference agenda, Kurbonzoda Mahmadali Rahmat, Rector of the Tajik State University of Commerce, was elected chairman of the Tojiri Ajam Primary Executive Committee with the unanimous support of the party members, and then continued the work of the conference as chairman.

According to the second agenda item of the conference, the report of the Deputy chairman of the primary Executive Committee of "Tojiri Ajam" Fitrat Rustamov was heard.

Then, in her speech, Dilbar Khabibulloevna noted the contribution of the capital's party organizations in fulfilling the instructions of the highest structures of the party and actively participating in organizing events, improving the capital, improving the lives of citizens, helping and supporting the needy segment of the population of Dushanbe.

She also noted that the activities of the capital's party structures under the leadership of the executive committee of the People's Democratic Party in the city of Dushanbe have expanded and become more effective over the past year, and its initiatives and measures are worthy of support and special praise.

Further, Mirzozoda Ibrahim Kholmurod in his speech spoke about the goals and objectives of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan, noting that the election programs of the PDPT are a guiding document for achieving great and constructive goals and encourage each member of the party to work for the benefit of economic development and improvement of the social, political and cultural life of the country.

At the end of the conference, several active members of the Tojiri Ajam primary executive committee were awarded certificates of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Dushanbe, as well as several people were solemnly admitted to the party, who received a certificate of a member of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan.

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