Monitoring of the MIETC project

Бинанда: 983 | Санаи нашр: 28 December 2020

On December 28, 2020, within the framework of the MIETC project "Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries", the Erasmus + program, the project monitoring was conducted with the participation of the coordinator of the Erasmus + National Office in the Republic of Tajikistan Zarina Nuridinova and representatives of the Technological University of Tajikistan.

Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations, Doctor of Economics Kadyrova Zarrina Halimovna made a presentation and spoke about the progress of the MIETC project at the Tajik State University of Commerce, noting that currently TSUC was implementing this project online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Then Zarina Nuriddinova expressed her opinion on the participation of the members of the working group in the project and its implementation.

It should be noted that one of the main goals of the MIETC project is to improve the English language proficiency of university teachers teaching various economic disciplines in cooperation with universities in Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and other countries within the framework of the above project.

At the end, the participants exchanged views on other aspects of the project.

Office for International Relations,

Project Implementation and Academic Mobility

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