Online meeting within MIETC Project

Бинанда: 1001 | Санаи нашр: 24 December 2020

Tajik State University of Commerce has established mutually beneficial cooperation with universities of the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States within the MIETC Project – Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries.

On December 24, 2020, the Office for International Relations, Project Implementation, and Academic Mobility held an online meeting as part of the project dedicated to the start of the second round of language training for teachers participating in the MIETC project from TSUC. The meeting was attended by Madina Yusubalieva, a coordinator from the East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D. Serikbayeva, Dinara Dugalova from the Online Language Studio (OLS) and participating teachers from TSUC.

Doctor of Economics Kadyrova Zarrina Halimovna made a welcoming speech and greeted the participants on behalf of the rector Qurbonzoda Mahmadali Rahmat and thanked everyone for the successful completion of the the first round of online language training. Zarina Kadyrova also thanked Madina Yusubalieva, a coordinator from the East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D. Serikbaeva, for creating good conditions for effective learning of English language.

Madina Yusubalieva introduced the online OLS platform to the participants and invited teachers to take an active part in the second round of online English language training on this platform.

Then Dinara Dugalova, a representative from OLS, presented the OLS platform and gave useful advice on the platform. At the end of the online meeting, the speakers answered questions from the audience.

Office for International Relations,

Project Implementation and Academic Mobility

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