Development of the state financial system

Бинанда: 947 | Санаи нашр: 28 November 2020

Recently, the Department of Finance and credit held a scientific and theoretical seminar "Topical issues of the development of the financial system of the Republic of Tajikistan". The seminar was opened by the head of the Department, associate Professor Bahodur Dustmatov, who spoke about the importance of the state financial system in the development of the economic and social spheres of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Then the first-year master of Finance and credit Azizjon Akbarov made a report on the topic "Development of public finances of the Republic of Tajikistan during the years of state independence".
At the end of the seminar, Bahadur Dusmatov noted that the importance of active participation of undergraduates of the Department at various scientific events of the Department and the University.

Department of Finance and credit

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