Strategy and development prospects

Бинанда: 979 | Санаи нашр: 02 November 2020

The quality of education will remain an important issue in education. It should be noted that to date, the Government, relevant ministries and departments, and educational institutions themselves have done much to ensure the quality of education, but serious and decisive measures must be taken to improve the situation in this area.

Emomali Rahmon

Numerous measures are being taken at the Tajik state University of Commerce to fulfill the instructions of the Founder of peace and national unity, the Leader of the nation, President Emomali Rahmon.

The creation of the Department of strategic development and quality assurance of education is one of these measures, and as part of the action plan to improve the quality of education, an international scientific and practical conference on “quality management System-training of highly qualified specialists”was held on November 2 in the dissertation hall of the University.

The plenary session of the conference was opened by the Vice-rector for science and international relations, doctor of Economics, associate Professor Zarrina Kadyrova, who welcomed the guests and participants of the conference and gave the floor to the rector of the University, doctor of Economics, Professor Faker Hamidullokhon Nuriddinovich. Professor Fockers H. N. He spoke in detail about the importance of creating a new structure, in particular about the need and importance of creating a Department for strategic development and quality assurance of education at TSUC, about the problems of office management and document management system in the framework of the newly created and phased implementation of the quality management system of education at the University.

Then, at the plenary session, Farkhod Sharopov – doctor of Economics, associate Professor on the topic “the Process of developing and implementing a quality management system at the Tajik state University of Commerce”, Irina Zubkova (RTSU) on the topic “Features of forming a quality management system for students 'education" (spoke online), Rajab Rajabov-doctor of Economics, Professor on the topic “Methods of involving students in research and strengthening the activities of the student scientific society”, Abdurashid Mirzoaliev – candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor on the theme “quality management System – key factor of the competitiveness of the educational program”, Ann Catherine Isacs, Professor of the University of Pisa, Italy (made online) report on “the Role of stakeholders in quality assurance in higher education: the experience of Pisa University” and expressed his opinion of the idea of solving problems with quality assurance and QMS in higher education institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Department of information and public relations

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