In honor of the Constitution Day

Бинанда: 964 | Санаи нашр: 04 November 2020

On November 4, 2020, in accordance with the activity plan of the Department of education and social development, a round table was held on the theme “Constitution – happiness of the nation”, which was attended by Vice-rector for science and international cooperation, doctor of Economics, associate Professor Kadyrova Z. Kh., Vice-rector for strategic development and quality assurance, doctor of Economics, associate Professor Sharopov F. R., teachers and students.

The round table was opened by Farkhod Sharopov, who noted the need to hold such an event on the eve of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Then teachers of the Department of commercial law, doctor of law, associate Professor Melikov Yu.a. spoke on the topic “Development of industry legislation based on the Constitution”, Rustamzoda J. Yu. “Constitutional and legal regulation of state financial control in the sphere of budget relations of the Republic of Tajikistan”, Navoi Berdi on the topic “Origin and development of constitutions in the world, including in Tajikistan”.

Rue Abduvali and Huvaydullo Hasanov, third-year students of the specialty 240101, in their speech noted the importance and necessity of adopting the Constitution in the country.

At the end of the event, Farhad Sharapov stressed that students should always be actively searching to keep abreast of scientific, political, economic and cultural innovations.

Read the report of Jumabek Rustamzod here

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