Purpose: support of young scientists

Бинанда: 883 | Санаи нашр: 12 November 2020

In order to support young scientists of the University, the Department of training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the Department of science and innovation of TSUC plans to organize a series of scientific seminars in the 2020/2021 academic year.

On November 12, the first scientific seminar on the topic “Scientific school and its role in creating the intellectual potential of the University and the formation of the personality of a young scientist " was held. the lecturer was the rector, doctor of Economics, Professor H. N. Fokerov.

Khamidullokhon Fokerov spoke in detail about recognized scientific schools in various fields, including economic ones, and highly appreciated their role in shaping the personality and intellectual potential of young scientists. He noted the important contribution of young people to the development of science and prosperity of the country. At the end of the seminar, Vice-rector for science and international relations Zarrina Kadyrova spoke, noting that the main purpose of the planned seminars is to help young scientists of the University conduct research. According to her, the series of scientific seminars will continue.

Department of information and public relations


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