Day of businessman

Бинанда: 1407 | Санаи нашр: 14 October 2020

On October 14, Tajikistan celebrates entrepreneur's day.

On the initiative of the Leader of the nation – the Founder of peace and national unity, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, October 14 was declared the entrepreneur's day in Tajikistan.

In this regard, on October 14, 2020, at the initiative of the Department of Economics and business organization of the University, a scientific and practical seminar was held in honor of the day of entrepreneurship on the topic "Entrepreneurship: the need, current state and directions of its development in the Republic of Tajikistan".

The seminar was opened by the Vice-rector for academic and educational work, associate Professor Tolibov K. K. Head of the Department of Economics and business organization candidate of economic Sciences S. Mukhtorzoda acted as a moderator of the seminar.

The seminar was attended by: associate Professor of the Department I. U. Ismatulloev with a report on "Entrepreneurship and its role in the development of the national economy", N. sh. Valiev senior lecturer on "analysis of the state of entrepreneurship development in the Republic of Tajikistan", senior lecturer S. Amonov spoke on "Types of business". Also, in their speech, students Adibay Asomiddin and Dilnoza Ashurova told about the history of entrepreneurship development, innovations and state support for entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Vice-rectors K. K. Tolibov, Z. Kh. Kadyrova, F. R. Sharopov, Dean of the faculty Z. N. mamadulloev, and S. Mukhtorzoda took an Active Part in the discussions.

It should be noted that the seminar was interesting and at a high organizational level.

Department of Economics and business organization

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