Оund table: "Development and implementation of a quality management system at TSUС"

Бинанда: 1282 | Санаи нашр: 30 September 2020

On September 29, 2020, a round table was held at the university on the topic "Development and implementation of a quality management system at the Tajik State University of Commerce" within the framework of the "Quality Management System" project, which was attended by representatives of the education and quality departments of the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali Ibn Sino, Tajik State Technical University named after Muhammad Osimi, Tajik State Financial and Economic University, Khatlon State Medical University, Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics in the city of Khujand and representatives of various structural divisions of the Tajik State University of Commerce.

Zarrina Kadyrova, Doctor of Economics, Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation, made an opening speech.

Then, the rector of the Tajik State University of Commerce, Doctor of Economics, Professor Hamidullohon Fakerov, in his welcoming speech, emphasized that the main purpose of the final events within the project is to present and discuss the results of the work of the working group. It was also noted that the quality management system at the university is one of the most important areas of education, and in the era of globalization, each educational institution strives to have its own system. The quality management system requires constant improvement and the process is constant and labor intensive.

Farhod Sharopov, Doctor of Economics, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Quality Management, noted that the quality management system is an important tool for quality assurance in education. He dwelled on the need to develop the QMS at the university and shared the achievements of the project working group in terms of developing and implementing the QMS at TSUK.

Mubin Abduvaliev, head of the department for international cooperation, project implementation and academic exchanges, also spoke about the foreign experience of implementing a quality management system in higher education and noted that the image and recognition in the international market of educational services is achieved through the implementation of a quality management system.

At the end of the round table, Kobil Tolibov, Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work, noted the importance of developing and implementing a quality management system for the country's universities and thanked the participants for their active participation.

Also, in the final part of the round table, the organizers invited the participants to take an active part in the international conference, which will be held on October 30-31, 2020.

 International Cooperation Department,

project implementation and academic exchange

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