A Roundtable in the Framework of the Project “Quality Management System”

Бинанда: 1165 | Санаи нашр: 17 September 2020

On 16 September 2020 at the Tajik State University of Commerce, in the framework of the Project "Quality Management System," a roundtable on the topic “Development and Implementation of Educational Programmes by Specialties at the Tajik State University of Commerce” was held.

First Vice Rector for Strategic Development and Quality Management D.S. Sharopov F.R. made an opening speech and welcomed the representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, Education and Quality Departments of HEIs of Tajikistan and other participants. Furthermore, D.S. Sharopov expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Working Group from TSUC within the Project who will be organizing similar events in September and October of current year aimed at sharing its results and experiences which will contribute to the improvement of education quality at HEIs.  

According to the agenda of the roundtable, 4 following topics were presented:

  1. The Main Requirements of European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the Development of Educational Programs;
  2. Experience of Granada Universities (Spain), Pisa (Italy), and Alma-Ata (AlmaU) in the Development and Implementation of Educational Programs;
  3. Accreditation Awarded Educational Programmes of the Tajik State University of Commerce: Preparation, Accreditation Process, Summarization of its results, and
  4. Analysis of Current Educational Standards in the Republic of Tajikistan in Terms of Their Compliance with European Standards. 

Besides, the Director of Center for Curriculum Development of AlmaU (Kazakhstan) and International Consultant -Aimgul Tleuzhanova shared the experience of her university via Google Meet and participated in the Q&A session.

At the end of the roundtable, D.S. Sharopov thanked the participants for their active participation and invited them to take part in the next event organized by the Working Group and dedicated to the experience of developing a quality management system at TSUC which will be held on 29 September 2020.

It should be noted that within the Project “Quality Management System” a number of online and offline meetings, such as Project Working Group meetings and webinars aimed at evaluation of educational programmes and conducting internal audit of QMS (AlmaU experience) were organized with participation of domestic and international experts and consultants from partner universities.

 Department of International Cooperation

project implementation and academic exchange

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