Life without violence

Бинанда: 1094 | Санаи нашр: 11 September 2020

Meeting was held on the topic "Violence is a factor that reduces the education of youth" on September 11, 2020 on initiative of the staff of the Department for Youth and Women's Affairs of TSUC together with the Department for Women and Family Affairs of the Executive Body of State Power of Dushanbe. On the meeting took part Zarina Zukhurova, Head of the Department for Women and Family Affairs of the Executive Power of Dushanbe, Manzura Salomova, Director of the Center for Self-Knowledge of Women in Dushanbe, Zukhro Kuziboeva, Head of the Department for Women and Family Affairs of the Executive Body of State Power of the Firdavsi District, Dushanbe and TSUC students.


The meeting was opened by the head of the Department of Education and Social Development Akramov F.M. and he noted that the discussion of the topic of violence among young people is relevant and it is necessary to remember that violence affects the low education of young people and thereby harms the community and undermines the economy.


The guests Zarina Zukhurova, Manzura Salomova, Zukhro Kuziboeva made their presentations. During their presentation they touched upon the problems of modern society, such as domestic violence, prevention of accidents, indifference and the importance of cooperation with the relevant authorities.

In addition, handouts on the topic of the meeting were distributed to the participants at the event.

At the end of the event, FM Akramov thanked the guests for their support of the initiative and active participation.

Information and Public Relations Department

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