Knowing languages - know the world

Бинанда: 1724 | Санаи нашр: 19 April 2020

In the next Address of the Majlisi oli, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Leader of the nation, respected Emomali Rahmon, noted: “Language is a mirror in which the face of the nation is clearly reflected, we must appreciate this, and at the same time attach paramount importance to the study of Russian and English as international languages . We are expanding the study and development of languages ​​not for show, but with the aim of increasing the education of society. ”

The Tajik State University of Commerce attaches great importance to the study of both Russian and English, by improving the methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and organizing various events with the involvement of students and teachers.

So, on April 17, 2020, a bright and interesting event was organized by the   faculty of the Languages ​​Department, at which students and university teachers spoke with interest and creative excitement.

In his welcoming address, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Quality Assurance, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Farhod Sharopov, noted that such events will have a positive and fruitful effect on increasing the motivation of students and young teachers in learning foreign languages, in particular Russian and English .

Currently, the number of young people who are fluent in at least one or two foreign languages ​​is growing. Students of TSUC showed this ability as well, speaking at the event in both Russian and English.




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