Involvement of TSUC teachers in the implementation European project MIETC

Бинанда: 1234 | Санаи нашр: 16 April 2020

On April 16, 2020, the Department of International Cooperation, Project Implementation and Academic Exchange organized a testing of teachers to identify their English knowledge.


Testing was organized in order to identify potential teachers who will be involved in the development and implementation of the master's program in English within the MIETC project of the Erasmus + program.

Teachers who get the needed points will take a course in the framework of the MIETC project in Europe and Central Asia.

Reference: The project is funded by the Erasmus + program. TSUC and TUT are partners of this project from the Republic of Tajikistan. The purpose behind the MIETC project is to build the human capacities of HEIs in industrial entrepreneurship aiming to provide students with an educational that is more aligned to the needs of labour market and society.

Department of International Cooperation, Project Implementation and Academic Exchange

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