Ethical principles of scientific research

Бинанда: 1274 | Санаи нашр: 16 April 2020

On April 16, 2020, in the dissertation hall of the university, within the framework of the approved action plan of the Department for the preparation of Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Science and Innovation Office of the university, the next scientific-practical seminar on the topic “Ethical principles of scientific research. Avoiding plagiarism in a dissertation. " The seminar was attended by applicants and doctoral students of the university.

Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Quality Management, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Farhod Sharopov in his opening remarks noted that unfortunately today there are cases of borrowing works by both domestic and foreign scientists, in particular young ones, in dissertation papers submitted for defense Tajik scientists have resorted to the easiest method in their scientific activities, appropriating the scientific achievements of other scientists. Further he noted that this “disease” of modern technology, when it is easy to copy the text and paste it into the scientific work, however, this path undermines the reputation of Tajik scientists and Tajik science, and this negative phenomenon in Tajik science should be eliminated as soon as possible .


The Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations of the University, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Zarrina Kadyrova in her presentation on the topic of the seminar told how to correctly draw up references and footnotes in the dissertation, the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for the quality of dissertation works, and the rules for checking for availability plagiarism using an anti-plagiarism program.

Then a candidate of economic sciences, executive secretary of the journal “Bulletin of TSUC”, Zoir Sultonov spoke about the “Anti-plagiarism” program at the university, as well as the norms and requirements for scientific work presented by this program.

At the end of the seminar, Basgul Isupova, head of the Department for the Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel of the Department of Science and Innovation, congratulated all participants on the Day of Science and wished them success in their scientific activities.

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