Introducing the Bibliographic Resources

Бинанда: 1141 | Санаи нашр: 09 April 2020

Seminar on “Bibliographic Resources. General bibliographic publications. Library directory. Encyclopedias and reference books. Internet resources for research” was held on April 9, 2020 at the dissertation hall of the university.

Basgul Isupova - head of the Training of Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of the Science and Innovation Office of the University - during her speech noted that this seminar is aimed at assisting MA and PhD (doctoral) students in obtaining expanded, additional information about available bibliographic resources and the mechanism for their search.


Then, Gavkhar Madieva, director of the university’s library, introduced the bibliographic resources to the seminar participants and explained how to use the catalog in the library correctly and usefully. She also provided detailed information about the library fund, talked about the new books coming to the library and answered questions from the workshop participants. At the end of the seminar, the participants shared their vision and recommendations on improving the service of readers and the library activities as a whole.

Department of Information and Public Relations

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