General principles for preparing a dissertation

Бинанда: 1166 | Санаи нашр: 03 April 2020

On April 2, 2020, the first seminar on the topic “General principles for preparing a dissertation” was held in the dissertation hall of TSUC within the framework of the approved plan of activities of the chair for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the Science and Innovation Office of TSUC.

The seminar was attended by Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Zarrina Kadyrova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Quality Management, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Farhod Sharopov, as well as applicants and doctoral students.



Well-known scientist in the field of economic, Farhod Sharopov in detail presented to the participants how to properly complete the dissertation as a whole, about links and footnotes, the volume of each dissertation paragraph and about the preparation of the dissertation abstract. In addition, he explained about the new requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to draw up a conclusion in a dissertation abstract using links to published articles. At the end of the seminar, F. R. Sharopov answered the questions of the seminar participants and handed out copies of “Guidelines on the procedure for preparing dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science, Candidate of Science and Doctors of Science, dissertation abstracts and published articles on the topic dissertations" approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

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