Scientific and theoretical seminar

Бинанда: 1179 | Санаи нашр: 28 March 2020

Scientific and theoretical seminar on the topic "Forms of civil liability for violation of the energy supply contract" was held on March 28, 2020 at the Department of Economic Law of the Faculty of International Economic Relations and Law of TSUC, which was actively attended by teachers, masters and students majoring in economic law and international law.

The seminar was opened by the lecturer of the department, Doctor of Law Melikov Umrilo, who then gave the floor to Subkhonali Mirzoyev, senior lecturer of the department.


Speaking on a relevant topic, Mirzoyev S. answered to the questions of the participants, in particular, noting that for energy supplying organizations and for consumers there were unified grounds for property liability for violation of contractual obligations. Further, all participants during discussion concluded that the civil legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan determined the equal liability of the parties to the energy supply agreement, in addition, the lawyers agreed that the recovery of lost profits caused by the violation of the terms of the energy supply agreement is not provided, unlike the general rule of civil legal liability, the parties will be liable regardless of the presence of their fault.

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