The success of a young researcher

Бинанда: 1197 | Санаи нашр: 01 April 2020

Special attention at the Tajik State University of Commerce, is paid to training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.

It is gratifying that recently, Oraz Murtazoev, Deputy Dean and correspondence Adviser of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, successfully defended his thesis on the specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and National Economy Management on the topic "Improving the Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for the Development of a Regional Industrial and Innovation System" and by decision of the Dissertation Council of the Russian Federation D 999.020.02 at the Tajik National University, he was awarded the degree of candidate of economic sciences.


The Rectorate and the faculty of TSUC sincerely congratulate Oraz Murtazоev on receiving the degree of candidate of economic sciences and wish him success in his fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity.

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