Open Day

Бинанда: 1349 | Санаи нашр: 04 March 2020

«Open Day” at the Tajik State University of Commerce which took place on March 4, 2020, was visited by graduates of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums in Dushanbe.

University representatives welcomed the graduates and provided them with materials, including the University Newsletter, booklets, and CD’s with needed information of TGUC.

Then graduates were acquainted with the conditions of study, spacious classrooms, modern laboratories, test centers equipped with computers and other educational equipment,  books in library and electronic library, as well as the staff of the university.

After familiarization with capacity of university, graduates were welcomed for the meeting with the Rector of the university.

 Rector of the university, Professor Fakerov Khamidulokhon opened the meeting with welcoming speech: “… make every effort to become a well-educated specialist and person.  Future he says that knowledge solves all human problems, every young person should have the national pride, to appreciate the peace and harmony, prosperity and well-being of this beloved homeland called Tajikistan.




Prof. Fakerov Kh.  invited the youth to be patriot and rational use of modern technology, and to learn at least two foreign languages along with the state language. He continued by saying that nowadays TSUC has a good relation with HEIs of our countries and foreign as well, and support an exchange program for students and faculty.



By the end of his speech Prof. Fakerov Kh. said, that those who chose the TSUC and gain high accession point will be awarded with certificates and presents when will start to study at the university.

Information and Public Relation Department 

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