Elections 2020

Бинанда: 1217 | Санаи нашр: 28 February 2020

At the polling station No. 7, located at the university, preparations are underway for the upcoming elections of deputies of a new convocation in the Majlisi namoyandagon of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan and local majlises of people's deputies, headed by the chairman of the commission, rector of the Tajik State University of Commerce, doctor of economic sciences, professor Fakerov H. N.

Currently, work on voter lists has been completed, ballots have been prepared for the issue of voters, a room for mother and child has been equipped, and notices have been delivered to voters.


Thus, the polling station is fully prepared for an important political campaign - the election of deputies in the Majlisi namoyandagon of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, and the commission members are ready to hold this event at a high level.

On the Election Day, which take place on March 1, 2020, in every corner of our legal and democratic country, every citizen of the country who has reached the age of 18 has to vote for a worthy candidate and a bright future for independent Tajikistan.

Наш адрес

Адрес: 734061, Республика Таджикистан, г. Душанбе, ул. Дехоти 1/2, Таджикский государственный
университет коммерции

  • Телефон: +992(37) 234-83-46
    (37) 234-85-46