Republican Scientific Seminar

Бинанда: 1241 | Санаи нашр: 24 February 2020

On February 24, 2020, a Republican Scientific Seminar on the theme: “Development of the Financial and Banking System of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Context of Globalization” was held in the dissertation hall of the university. The seminar was attended by the head of the Department of Science and Innovation, Doctor of Economics, Professor Rajabov R.K., faculties and students.

With a welcoming speech, the seminar was opened by Doctor of Economics, prof. Rajabov R.K., then on behalf of the rector of the university, doctor of economic sciences, professor Fakerov Kh.N. and on behalf of the Department of Science and Innovation, the Faculty of Finance and Banking, the Department of Finance and Credit, Doctor of Economics, Professor A. Jabborov handed gratitude and souvenirs for his significant contribution to the preparation of highly qualified specialist in the field of economics and finance.



At the seminar, Professor A. Jabborov made a report on the topic “The Role of the Leader of the Nation in the Development of the Social Protection System in the Republic of Tajikistan”. In his speech, he spoke about the declaration of state independence, the historic session in Khujand, the formation of the constitutional order, the election of the Chairman of the Supreme Council, the significant role of the President of the Tajikistan in the development of the state and society, as well as other important historical events.


In the continuation of the seminar, the assistant to the Department of Taxation and Insurance, Khamidova S., made a report “Improving the tax system of the Republic of Tajikistan in order to optimize taxation”.

At the end of the seminar, prof. Rajabov R.K. spoke on the topic “Budget of the Republic of Tajikistan  for 2020” and thanked to responsible staff for their contribution to the organization of the scientific seminar.

Department of Information and Public Relations

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