3rd meetng

Бинанда: 1586 | Санаи нашр: 26 June 2019

On June 10-15, 2019 at the University of Pisa in Italy were held the next meeting within Quality Management System project. The project has attracted 7 administrative representatives from the Tajik State University of Commerce, administrative representatives from the University of Pisa and the Head of the Bologna Process Implementation Group in Italy who has represented Dr. Prof. Ann Katherine Isaac.
The participants have touched the design and implementation of education programs in the line of European standards of education system.

They also touched a designing education programs it is important to take into account the main aspects of the program consist of the following items:
- Name and form of education program;
- Program duration and degree;
- Social aspects of the program;
- Prospective field of graduate work;
- Program description by professions (specialties) with consideration of the study subjects;
- Program profile;
- Structure of the program;
- Coordination of program sections; Internal quality control;
- Other Important Aspects (RELEVANT).

The training seminar also explored the experience of European universities, including the University of Pisa.
University representatives have come to the conclusion that the University's educational programs should be revised and approved in accordance with the European Standards for Education Quality (ESG).


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