First meeting

Бинанда: 1998 | Санаи нашр: 13 March 2019

On March 3-8, 2019, the members of the working group of the project “Quality Management System (QMS)” of the Tajik State University of Commerce (TSUC) headed by the coordinator of the project Prof. Kadyrova Z.H have made a working visit to the AlmaU University of the Republic of Kazakhstan (AlmaU) where they have conducted a scientific-practical seminar on the quality management systems.


On the first day of meeting representatives of the universities held a meeing where they have touched an inter-university collaboration they are having in recent ten years. Moreover, they have conducted a meeting with the TSUC student who are study at AlmaU under exchange mobility agreement. They have touched the issues of diploma education, passing the final rating and exams online and increasing their term of study at AlmaU.


On the second of the meeting, by the Rector of AlmaU Prof. Kurganbaeva G. has been delivered a topic on the theme of the: "Current operation of the quality management system at AlmaU ", where the issue of transferring the university to a unified digital management system was discussed. Then the second presentation has delivered by the Vice-Rector of AlmaU on theme of the "Education Management", where they discussed issues of new education models, analysis, new challenges, competencies of education leaders, professional skills, management of education and improving the quality of education that meets modern international requirements.


Furthermore, during the seminar, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Development Prof. Christian Kal has delivered a presentation on the "Internationalization of Education, Certification, Accreditation and Ranking of AlmaU" where he has also touched all aspects of the Quality Management System project taking into account the experience of AlmaU, opportunities and challenges, curriculum development, implementation and evaluation in the current context.

At the end of the visit, with great respect and hope for the strategic cooperation, the Rector of AlmaU Prof. Kurganbaeva G. have summarized their conclusion for a brighter future and the goal of "community service."
On March 8, 2019 the working has returned to Dushanbe.


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Адрес: 734061, Республика Таджикистан, г. Душанбе, ул. Дехоти 1/2, Таджикский государственный
университет коммерции

  • Телефон: +992(37) 234-83-46
    (37) 234-85-46