5th Steering Committee Meeting

Бинанда: 1683 | Санаи нашр: 27 May 2019

On May 21 2019 were held the 5th Steering Committee Meeting at the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after named S.K. Skryabina within the project “PAWER - Paving the way for interregional mobility and ensuring compliance, quality and equality of access” funded by the European Union Erasmus + program. The meeting has attracted 53 representatives from 28 universities of 13 countries belonging to 4 different regions - Europe, Central Asia, Asia and the Caucasus region, and moreover representatives from the Ministries of Education - Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Within the meeting has been discussed the issues of the project implementation, re-training in partner universities, dissemination of information and the organization of further regional conferences.
On the second day of meeting on May 22 has been conducted a training by the lecturer - Dr. George Doughulas from the Middlesex University London, UK. The training was devoted to the issues of credit mobility, student exchange, as well as the demonstration of an educational tool supporting course mapping, course alignment with work, credit transfer and recognition of grades.

Our university has presented by the dean of faculty of the Banking and Finance Prof. Aminov F.I. and a senior lecture of the faculty of Customs and Trade Mr. Nurmuhammadi A.A.
At the end of the meeting, the participants have been awarded with certificates by the coordinator of PAWER project.

Наш адрес

Адрес: 734061, Республика Таджикистан, г. Душанбе, ул. Дехоти 1/2, Таджикский государственный
университет коммерции

  • Телефон: +992(37) 234-83-46
    (37) 234-85-46