3rd Steering Committee Meeting in Almaty

Бинанда: 2988 | Санаи нашр: 25 May 2018

On May 15th -18th , 2018, was held the third SC meeting in the framework of Erasmus+ KA1 “PAWER” project in the Kazakh National Agrarian University in Almaty, Kazakhstan by the participation of SC representatives from 23 project members. Dr. Massimiliano D’Innocenzo has presented the general overview of the project activities, from University of L’Aquila that briefly exposed the main activities of the project, its wider objectives, the project management and the action plan for the first and second years of project time life.


The second day of the meeting started with a general overview about several aspects and state of art of the project financial management. Dr. Marco Calabrese from UNIVAQ, showed briefly the list of the administrative documents missing (Financial Identification Forms). After that, has been replayed the presentation about rules to fill the joint declaration form and the individual travel report. There has been also showed the list of the documents required for a correct financial report.


According to the agenda, the afternoon of the second day and the morning of the third working day of the meeting, have been dedicated to individual meetings between UNIVAQ, the project coordinator, and each partner. Those meeting have been focused on the several problems the partners have in filling documents, in money transfer, in providing documentation. All the individual meetings ended after a brief session.

Department of International Relations  
Tajik State university of Commerce

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