A. Jomi and A. Navoy’s Friendship

Бинанда: 2129 | Санаи нашр: 16 March 2018

Alisher Navoy knew the Tajik literature and language very well.  He followed after Tajik writers and representatives. The friendship of Jomi and Navoy can be example of humanity kindness and faith. Navoy was younger than Jomi is 27 years. Abdurahmon Jomi was the teacher and mentor of Alisher Navoy. The school where Navoy was educated named Hirot and Jomi worked there. During 4-5 years he became one of the famous teachers. On that school were educated the representatives of two nations: Uzbek and Tajik.

When Alisher Navoy wrote the poem in Tajik language for the first time and came to Jomi in order to show his poem he estimated. Jomi adviced Navoy to make his creative worksin Turkish-Uzbek languages. The mentor of Navoy, Jomi was very glad when his disciple became famous and successful with his creative works. Jomi wrote the poem and dedicated to his disciple in his book “Khiradnomai Iskandari”.

As a mentor Jomi analyzed, checked his works and with advices put a great contribution in Navoy’s creative work. Their relations were not only as mentor and disciplethey were good friends. Alisher Navoy was the first person who translated the creativity of his teacher into Turkish-Uzbek languages. After Jomi’s death Navoy dedicated his creativity by name “Hamsat-ul-mutahairin” to his teacher.

In conclusion I want to mention as our Founder of  Peace and Unity, Leader of Nation, the President  of Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon said in his speech  the friendship of two representatives of Tajik and Uzbek continued till the end of their life and their friendship caused in consolidation of relationship of two nations.    

Iroda Turdi-Akhanova, candidate of philology science       

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