A round table discussion on the topic: "The Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan as the highest legal document of the state"

Бинанда: 1692 | Санаи нашр: 04 November 2017

On November 4, 2017 on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, a round table discussion on the topic: "The Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan as the highest legal document of the state" was held in the conference hall of TSUC. The university administration, teachers of the Department of Commercial Law, students and guests took part in this round table. A senior prosecutor of the Office for Supervision of the Execution of Laws in the Internal Affairs and Drug Control Bodies of the General Prosecutor's Office, Counselor for Justice of 1st class, Zahruddinzoda F.Z.  gave a talk on the topic. Furthermore, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Commercial Law Razzokov B.R., Head of the Department of Commercial Law, Associate Professor Qudratov N.A and others made presentations and addressed the meeting on the round table topic.

During the round table it was noted that the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan plays an important role in stability, development and prosperity of the country. Moreover, it was pointed out that the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan was a historically important event for Tajik people in the period of the country's independence, where the state of human rights and freedom, the rule of law and the bright future of its people are reflected.

Department of Public Relations

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