Department of Education Quality Monitoring and Management

In order to timely and successfully implement the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 3, 2007 "On the State Service for Supervision of Education" and the order of the Minister of Education of March 15, 2007 on improving the quality of education in higher education institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan on December 31, 2020, the Department for Monitoring and managing the quality of education was established at the University on the basis of the Department for Strategic Development and the Quality Management System. 

The specialists of the department work on the basis of the instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity-the Leader of the Nation, President Emomali Rahmon, normative legal acts in the field of higher education, orders of the Rector of the Tajik State University of Commerce, the charter of the university, instructions of the educational department, the regulations of the department, job descriptions and the annual activity plan.

On January 12, 2021, the head of the department was appointed Candidate of Economic Sciences, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing Bahrom Maraimov.

The department employs the following specialists:

- Mashokirov Jamshed, specialist;

- Urunova Sarvinoz, specialist;

- Usmonov Maruf, specialist;

- Sharipova Mavzhuda, specialist in monitoring and managing the quality of education;

- Gulomova Khodjibibi, a statistician.

Goals and objectives of the Department for Monitoring and managing the Quality of Education:

- control over the activities of departments in the development of work programs, disciplines and their compliance with the requirements of state standards of higher education;

- assessment of the state of the education system at the university;

- analysis of the educational process and study of factors affecting the quality of education;

- analysis and evaluation of the quality of lectures and practical classes of teachers;

- development of methodological recommendations for teachers to improve the quality of teaching;

- analysis of the level of students ' development of disciplines;

- analysis of the scientific and methodological activities of the teaching staff;

- study of methods and criteria for assessing the quality of education;

- determining the effectiveness of the introduction of new educational technologies;

- conducting sociological surveys among students;

- preparation of information and analytical materials on the quality of education and implementation of measures for their dissemination;

- preparation of proposals to eliminate shortcomings in the educational process.

Наш адрес

Адрес: 734061, Республика Таджикистан, г. Душанбе, ул. Дехоти 1/2, Таджикский государственный
университет коммерции

  • Телефон: +992(37) 234-83-46
    (37) 234-85-46