Пятница, 13 октября 2017 08:14

Dear students and staff!

Оцените материал
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Application call for Erasmus+ at the University of Pisa, Italy is open now.

Deadline is 28.10.2017

Required docs for BA and MS students:

  • Academic Transcript for BA (upper 3.2)
  • Diploma of Bachelor Dagree for MS (GPA upper 3.2)
  • Motivation letter
  • English proficiency (minimum Advanced Level)
  • CV  (Europass)
  • Confirmation letter that he was an active member of seminars and languages courses of our university.
  • Two recommendation letters

Required docs for PhD students

  • Project Proposal confirm by he/her scientific adviser
  • Three recommendation letters
  • Motivation Letter
  • Having a teaching skills on English (Special) Group of our university in recent three years
  • CV  (Europass)
  • English proficiency (minimum level Academic Writing)
  • Articles and papers presented and published by applicant

Required docs for Staff Training/Teaching

  • To be able to take a lecture at the Host University in related subject
  • Description of topics within his/her lectures at the Host University
  • English proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL or Academic Writing)
  • CV  (Europass)
  •  Having a teaching skills on English (Special) Group of our university in recent three years
  • Motivation Letter
  • Three recommendation letters 

For the extra information please visit to the

Department of International Relations of the University

Прочитано 2481 раз Последнее изменение Пятница, 27 ноября 2020 11:53

Наш адрес

Адрес: 734061, Республика Таджикистан, г. Душанбе, ул. Дехоти 1/2, Таджикский государственный
университет коммерции

  • Телефон: +992(37) 234-83-46
    (37) 234-85-46